number of personal computers by country

number of personal computers by country
Number of Personal Computers in the US - Hypertextbook.UNdata | record view | Personal computers per 100 population.
While many office-type personal computers were used in homes, in this list a " home. Variations of a basic part number might have been used to indicate minor. In the Soviet Bloc countries, manufacturers made functional duplicates of.
Quarterly Statistics: Personal Computers, Asia/Pacific, 2Q12 Update.
Personal computers per 100 population Go to Search glossaries. Source: Millennium .. Country or Area, Year, Value. Afghanistan, 2006, 0.39. Afghanistan.
Personal computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
number of personal computers by country
Number Of Personal Computers - Helgi Library.
Nov 2, 2012. ARCHIVE. ID Number: G00239302. Quarterly Statistics: Personal Computers, Asia/Pacific, 3Q12 Update. PC segments include: country, vendor, brand, model, form factor, processor, price band, channel and major market.
May 3, 2012. ARCHIVE. ID Number: G00234253. Quarterly Statistics: Personal Computers, Asia/Pacific, 1Q12 Update. PC segments include: country, vendor, brand, model, form factor, processor, price band, channel and major market.
Quarterly Statistics: Personal Computers, Asia/Pacific, 4Q12 Update.
IEEE Xplore - The importance of personal computers in developing.